Results for 'Keith T. Gagnon'

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  1. Advertising Science for High Impact Publication.Stefan Franzen & Keith T. Gagnon - 2010 - Open Ethics Journal 4:1-9.
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    Happiness by association: Breadth of free association influences affective states.Tad T. Brunyé, Stephanie A. Gagnon, Martin Paczynski, Amitai Shenhav, Caroline R. Mahoney & Holly A. Taylor - 2013 - Cognition 127 (1):93-98.
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    Scanning for information in long- and short-term memory.Keith T. Wescourt & Richard C. Atkinson - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 98 (1):95.
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    Controlled growth behavior of chemical vapor deposited Ni nanostructures.Keith T. Chan, Jimmy J. Kan, Christopher Doran, Lu Ouyang, David J. Smith & Eric E. Fullerton - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (17):2173-2186.
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    ‛It’s just a dream’: The use of dream narratives by the mentally retarded.Keith T. Kernan & Jim L. Turner - 1989 - Semiotica 77 (4):415-440.
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    Semantic deficiencies in the narratives of mildly retarded speakers.Keith T. Kernan & Sharon Sabsay - 1982 - Semiotica 42 (2-4).
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  7. Life at the sharp end.Keith T. Thomas & Allan D. Walker - 2010 - In Carla Millar & Eve Poole, Ethical leadership: global challenges and perspectives. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Processing multiple recognition probes in short- and long-term memory.Richard C. Mohs & Keith T. Wescourt - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):319-322.
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    Sex Differences in Exploration Behavior and the Relationship to Harm Avoidance.Kyle T. Gagnon, Elizabeth A. Cashdan, Jeanine K. Stefanucci & Sarah H. Creem-Regehr - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (1):82-97.
    Venturing into novel terrain poses physical risks to a female and her offspring. Females have a greater tendency to avoid physical harm, while males tend to have larger range sizes and often outperform females in navigation-related tasks. Given this backdrop, we expected that females would explore a novel environment with more caution than males, and that more-cautious exploration would negatively affect navigation performance. Participants explored a novel, large-scale, virtual environment in search of five objects, pointed in the direction of each (...)
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    Not all those who wander are lost: Spatial exploration patterns and their relationship to gender and spatial memory.Kyle T. Gagnon, Brandon J. Thomas, Ascher Munion, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Elizabeth A. Cashdan & Jeanine K. Stefanucci - 2018 - Cognition 180:108-117.
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    Stepping Into a Map: Initial Heading Direction Influences Spatial Memory Flexibility.Stephanie A. Gagnon, Tad T. Brunyé, Aaron Gardony, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Caroline R. Mahoney & Holly A. Taylor - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (2):275-302.
    Learning a novel environment involves integrating first-person perceptual and motoric experiences with developing knowledge about the overall structure of the surroundings. The present experiments provide insights into the parallel development of these egocentric and allocentric memories by intentionally conflicting body- and world-centered frames of reference during learning, and measuring outcomes via online and offline measures. Results of two experiments demonstrate faster learning and increased memory flexibility following route perspective reading (Experiment 1) and virtual navigation (Experiment 2) when participants begin exploring (...)
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    Relating spatial perspective taking to the perception of other's affordances: providing a foundation for predicting the future behavior of others.Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Kyle T. Gagnon, Michael N. Geuss & Jeanine K. Stefanucci - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Fabric of Thought: Priming Tactile Properties During Reading Influences Direct Tactile Perception.Tad T. Brunyé, Eliza K. Walters, Tali Ditman, Stephanie A. Gagnon, Caroline R. Mahoney & Holly A. Taylor - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (8):1449-1467.
    The present studies examined whether implied tactile properties during language comprehension influence subsequent direct tactile perception, and the specificity of any such effects. Participants read sentences that implicitly conveyed information regarding tactile properties (e.g., Grace tried on a pair of thick corduroy pants while shopping) that were either related or unrelated to fabrics and varied in implied texture (smooth, medium, rough). After reading each sentence, participants then performed an unrelated rating task during which they felt and rated the texture of (...)
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  14. "Que reste-t-il de la théologie à l'âge électronique ? Valeur et cybernétique axiologique chez Raymond Ruyer" [What is left of Theology in the Electronic Age? Value and Axiological Cybernetics in Raymond Ruyer].Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - In Chromatikon Ix: Annales de la Philosophie En Procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, M. Weber & V. Berne. pp. 93-120.
    This is the outline: Introduction — La question de la cybernétique et de l'information — Une « pensée du milieu » — Cybernétique et homologie — Une théorie de l'apprentissage — L'information vue de l'autre côté — Champ et domaine unitaire — La thèse des « autres-je » — Le passage par l'axiologie — La rétroaction vraie — L'ontologie de Ruyer — Le bruissement de l'être même.
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  15. The duality of mind: an historical perspective.Keith Frankish & Jonathan St B. T. Evans - unknown
    [About the book] This book explores the idea that we have two minds - automatic, unconscious, and fast, the other controlled, conscious, and slow. In recent years there has been great interest in so-called dual-process theories of reasoning and rationality. According to such theories, there are two distinct systems underlying human reasoning - an evolutionarily old system that is associative, automatic, unconscious, parallel, and fast, and a more recent, distinctively human system that is rule-based, controlled, conscious, serial, and slow. Within (...)
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  16. "L’imbrication de la preuve de Dieu et de la cosmologie chez Tresmontant représente-t-elle une preuve ?".Philippe Gagnon - 2022 - In Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019. Paris: L'Harmattan. pp. 27-47.
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    (1 other version)Teaching Ethics: Right to Refuse?Angela R. Holder, James D. Gagnon, J. Richard Durnan, Mary Ellen Waithe & David T. Ozar - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (3):39-40.
  18. "La pensée d’A.N. Whitehead et la dynamique du champ science et religion".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 61:77-93.
    This is the outline: 1. Introduction – Quelques remarques sur Dieu 2. Science et religion vont-elles se rencontrer ? 3. Le conflit va-t-il tout emporter ? 4. Au coeur du problème : une version sclérosée du dogmatisme 5. Quelle posture pour la rencontre entre science et religion ? 6. Y a-t-il une synthèse à l’horizon ? À quelles conditions ?
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    La critique piagétienne de l'apriorisme attaque-t-elle le criticisme kantien?Maurice Gagnon - 1980 - Philosophiques 7 (1):41-54.
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  20. Claude Tresmontant, métaphysicien de l’inachevé (1925-1997). Actes de la journée d’étude du 2 février 2019.Philippe Gagnon (ed.) - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    (Back Cover:) « La pensée métaphysique renaîtra demain. Ce sont des savants qui ont le goût et le sens de la pensée conduite jusqu’au terme de ses exigences internes, et des philosophes initiés aux sciences expérimentales qui, en commun, la feront. » L’œuvre de Claude Tresmontant (1925-1997) illustre parfaitement cette recherche de la métaphysique d’un monde en devenir, qui sait écouter et se modeler sur la transformation – la métamorphose – promise à une Création finalisée. Le trait commun aux exposés (...)
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  21. "Hasard hypostasié et hasard réprimé : pour en finir avec certains mythes".Philippe Gagnon - 2023 - In Philippe Quentin, Hasard et création. Actes du colloque 7 et 8 mars 2022. Presses universitaires de l'ICES. pp. 155-175.
    This is the outline : I - Quelques étapes aux avancées significatives II - La pensée chrétienne et le hasard d’ignorance III - De quelques difficultés de raisonner sur le probable IV - Téléologie et évolutionnisme V - Où est l’« étage » qui permette de parler d’indépendance ? VI. Qu’y a-t-il à la base de nos concepts d’ordre ? VII - Quelle place pour le hasard ? VIII. Le hasard appréhendé de dos ?
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    What Makes a Catholic Hospital “Catholic” in an Age of Religious-Secular Collaboration? The Case of the Saint Marys Hospital and the Mayo Clinic.Keith M. Swetz, Mary E. Crowley & T. Dean Maines - 2013 - HEC Forum 25 (2):95-107.
    Mayo Clinic is recognized as a worldwide leader in innovative, high-quality health care. However, the Catholic mission and ideals from which this organization was formed are not widely recognized or known. From partnership with the Sisters of St. Francis in 1883, through restructuring of the Sponsorship Agreement in 1986 and current advancements, this Catholic mission remains vital today at Saint Marys Hospital. This manuscript explores the evolution and growth of sponsorship at Mayo Clinic, defined as “a collaboration between the Sisters (...)
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  23. The duality of mind: a historical perspective.Keith Frankish & Evans & B. T. Jonathan St - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press.
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    Expliquer, comprendre et débattre autour du religieux: neutralité ou engagement?Bernard Gagnon, Daniel Proulx & Samia Amor (eds.) - 2020 - Québec: Presses de L'Université Laval.
    Le religieux est-il un objet de recherche comme les autres ? Exige-t-il une certaine sensibilité de la part du chercheur ou de la chercheuse ? Issus de disciplines diverses, les auteurs et auteures se prononcent sur les distinctions et les convergences entraînées par la mise en tension de la neutralité et de l’engagement dans l’étude du religieux. Comprise superficiellement, cette opposition peut paraître factice : l’engagement n’est pas nécessairement religieux, car la vérité comprend aussi un engagement, et la neutralité n’est (...)
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    In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond.Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish (eds.) - 2009 - Oxford University Press.
    This book explores the idea that we have two minds - one automatic, unconscious, and fast, the other controlled, conscious, and slow. It brings together leading researchers on dual-process theory to summarize the state of the art highlight key issues, present different perspectives, and provide a stimulus to further work.
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  26. Life extension : proponents, opponents, and the social impact of the defeat of death.Kevin T. Keith - 2009 - In Michael K. Bartalos, Speaking of death: America's new sense of mortality. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
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    Feeding Tubes and Health Care Service Utilization in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Benefits and Limits to a Retrospective, Multicenter Study Using Big Data.Keith M. Swetz, Stephanie M. Peterson, Lindsey R. Sangaralingham, Ryan T. Hurt, Shannon M. Dunlay, Nilay D. Shah & Jon C. Tilburt - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801773242.
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    Integrating information from multiple sources: A metacognitive account of self-generated and externally provided anchors.Keith W. Dowd, John V. Petrocelli & Myles T. Wood - 2014 - Thinking and Reasoning 20 (3):315-332.
    Estimates of unknown quantities are influenced by both self-generated anchors (SGAs) and externally provided anchors (EPAs; e.g., the advice of others). It was hypothesised that people use the degree of similarity between these anchors to render final responses. Thus we tested predictions drawn from metacognitive accounts of anchoring using procedures similar to the traditional anchoring paradigm. In a single experiment we manipulated SGA–EPA similarity, EPA level, and EPA source credibility. Results showed that the relationship between SGA–EPA similarity and the decision (...)
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  29. Words in Motion: Language and Discourse in Post-new Order Indonesia.Keith Foulcher, Mikohiro Moriyama, Manneke Budiman, Titima Suthiwan, Rungnapha Kitiarsa, Masuhara Hitomi, Saito Tsugumi, Yuphaphann Hoonchamlong, T. Ruanni F. Tupaz & Robert Koehler - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Scientists as entrepreneurs: Arthur Tyndall and the rise of Bristol physics.S. T. Keith - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (4):335-357.
    This paper describes how the physics department of the University of Bristol grew from relative provincial obscurity to international stature. Emphasis is placed on the role of Arthur Tyndall, who as head of the department played a crucial role by attracting external funding to provide for and maintain modern laboratory facilities, through his skill in recruiting staff and his general management of resources. Such essentially entrepreneurial qualities, it is argued, were fundamental to the rapid expansion of Bristol physics and for (...)
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    Impacts of Skill Centrality on Regional Economic Productivity and Occupational Income.Keith Waters & Shade T. Shutters - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-7.
    A well-developed perspective in the study of urban systems is that cities are complex systems that manifest as networks of interdependent economic units. These units might be occupations, industries, labor skills, patent technologies, etc. Much research has focused on describing the nature of these networks, quantifying their links, and suggesting applications for policymakers. In this paper, we examine the US skill network, focusing on the relationship between network centrality and economic performance. Here, nodes are represented by individual labor skills, and (...)
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    Sport Practitioners as Sport Ecology Designers: How Ecological Dynamics Has Progressively Changed Perceptions of Skill “Acquisition” in the Sporting Habitat.Carl T. Woods, Ian McKeown, Martyn Rothwell, Duarte Araújo, Sam Robertson & Keith Davids - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:526528.
    Over two decades ago, Davids et al. (1994) and Handford et al. (1997) raised theoretical concerns associated with traditional, reductionist, and mechanistic perspectives of movement coordination and skill acquisition for sport scientists interested in practical applications for training designs. These seminal papers advocated an emerging consciousness grounded in an ecological approach, signaling the need for sports practitioners to appreciate the constraints-led, deeply entangled, and non-linear reciprocity between the organism (performer), task, and environment subsystems. Over two decades later, the areas of (...)
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    Inventions, patents and commercial development from governmentally financed research in Great Britain: The origins of the National Research Development Corporation. [REVIEW]S. T. Keith - 1981 - Minerva 19 (1):92-122.
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    Elite Universities and the Making of Privilege: Exploring Race and Class in Global Educational Inequalities Elite Universities and the Making of Privilege: Exploring Race and Class in Global Educational Inequalities. By Kalwant Bhopal and Martin Myers. Pp 160. Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2023. £34.99 (pbk). ISBN 9780367466077 (pbk). [REVIEW]Jessica Gagnon - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (4):466-468.
    How do elite universities in the United States and United Kingdom work to meaningfully address decades of deeply embedded institutional racism and classism? They don’t.Continuing their work of expo...
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    (1 other version)History of Technology Clayton R. Koppes, JPL and the American Space Programme: A History of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982. Pp. viii+ 320. £16.95/$19.95. Joan Lisa Bromberg, Fusion: Science, Politics and the Invention of a New Energy Source. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1982. Pp. xxvi + 343. £24/$30. [REVIEW]S. T. Keith - 1984 - British Journal for the History of Science 17 (3):325-326.
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    William McGucken. Scientists, Society and State. The Social Relations of Science Movement in Great Britain, 1931–1947. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1984. Pp. xiii + 381. ISBN 0-8142-0351-5. £22.50. [REVIEW]S. T. Keith - 1986 - British Journal for the History of Science 19 (3):351-352.
  37. Now you know it, now you don’t.Keith DeRose - 2000 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 5:91-106.
    Resistance to contextualism comes in the form of many very different types of objections. My topic here is a certain group or family of related objections to contextualism that I call “Now you know it, now you don’t” objections. I responded to some such objections in my “Contextualism and Knowledge Attributions” a few years back. In what follows here, I will expand on that earlier response in various ways, and, in doing so, I will discuss some aspects of David Lewis’s (...)
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    A Naïve Realist Theory of Colour.Keith Allen - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    A Naive Realist Theory of Colour defends the view that colours are mind-independent properties of things in the environment, that are distinct from properties identified by the physical sciences. This view stands in contrast to the long-standing and wide-spread view amongst philosophers and scientists that colours don't really exist - or at any rate, that if they do exist, then they are radically different from the way that they appear. It is argued that a naive realist theory of colour best (...)
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    Manipulating target size influences perceptions of success when learning a dart-throwing skill but does not impact retention.Nicole T. Ong, Keith R. Lohse & Nicola J. Hodges - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  40. "I Couldn't Have Known": Accountability, Foreseeability, and Counterfactual Denials of Responsibility.Keith Markman & Philip Tetlock - 2000 - British Journal of Social Psychology 39:313-325.
    This article explores situational determinants and psychological consequences of counterfactual excuse-making - denying responsibility by declaring `I couldn’t have known.’ Participants who were made accountable for a stock investment decision that resulted in an outcome caused by unforeseeable circumstances were particularly likely to generate counterfactual excuses and, as a result, to deny responsibility for the outcome of their choices and minimize their perceptions of control over the decision process. The article discusses the implications of these findings for structuring accountability reporting (...)
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  41. Knowledge, assertion and lotteries.Keith DeRose - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (4):568–580.
    In some lottery situations, the probability that your ticket's a loser can get very close to 1. Suppose, for instance, that yours is one of 20 million tickets, only one of which is a winner. Still, it seems that (1) You don't know yours is a loser and (2) You're in no position to flat-out assert that your ticket is a loser. "It's probably a loser," "It's all but certain that it's a loser," or even, "It's quite certain that it's (...)
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    Learning During Processing: Word Learning Doesn't Wait for Word Recognition to Finish.S. Apfelbaum Keith & McMurray Bob - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S4):706-747.
    Previous research on associative learning has uncovered detailed aspects of the process, including what types of things are learned, how they are learned, and where in the brain such learning occurs. However, perceptual processes, such as stimulus recognition and identification, take time to unfold. Previous studies of learning have not addressed when, during the course of these dynamic recognition processes, learned representations are formed and updated. If learned representations are formed and updated while recognition is ongoing, the result of learning (...)
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  43. When Consent Doesn't Work: A Rights-Based Case for Limits to Consent's Capacity to Legitimise.Keith Hyams - 2011 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 8 (1):110-138.
    Consent's capacity to legitimise actions and claims is limited by conditions such as coercion, which render consent ineffective. A better understanding of the limits to consent's capacity to legitimise can shed light on a variety of applied debates, in political philosophy, bioethics, economics and law. I show that traditional paternalist explanations for limits to consent's capacity to legitimise cannot explain the central intuition that consent is often rendered ineffective when brought about by a rights violation or threatened rights violation. I (...)
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  44. Single scoreboard semantics.Keith DeRose - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 119 (1-2):1-21.
    What happens to the "conversational score" when speakers in a conversation push the score for a context-sensitive term in different directions? In epistemology, contextualists are often construed as holding that both the skeptic ("You don't know!") and her opponent ("Oh, yes I do!") speak truthfully when they debate. This assumes a "multiple scoreboards" version of contextualism. But contextualists themselves typically opt for "single scoreboard" views on which such apparently competing claims really do conflict. This paper explores several single scoreboard options (...)
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    ‘The Kids don’t want reconciliation, they want Land Back’: thinking about decolonization and settler solidarity after the death of reconciliation.Keith Cherry - 2025 - Contemporary Political Theory 24 (1):60-80.
    When Wet’suwet’en matriarch Freda Huson declared that ‘reconciliation is dead’ and called on supporters to ‘Shut Down Canada’, activists responded with a nationwide series of blockades and occupations. Many commenters, even those sympathetic to the Wet’suwet’en, rushed to defend the idea of reconciliation. Such responses fail to take the contributions this movement offers to decolonial thought seriously. Drawing on interviews with movement participants, I explore what participants mean by reconciliation and what they intend by declaring it dead, showing how participants (...)
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  46. Ought we to follow our evidence?Keith Derose - 2000 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (3):697-706.
    fits our evidence.[1] I will propose some potential counter-examples to test this evidentialist thesis. My main intention in presenting the “counter-examples” is to better understand Feldman’s evidentialism, and evidentialism in general. How are we to understand what our evidence is, how it works, and how are we to understand the phrase “epistemically ought to believe” such that evidentialism might make sense as a plausible thesis in light of the examples? Of course, we may decide that there’s no such way to (...)
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  47. The problem with subject-sensitive invariantism.Keith Derose - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68 (2):346–350.
    Thomas Blackson does not question that my argument in section 2 of “Assertion, Knowledge and Context” establishes the conclusion that the standards that comprise a truth-condition for “I know that P” vary with context, but does claim that this does not suffice to validly demonstrate the truth of contextualism, because this variance in standards can be handled by what we will here call Subject-Sensitive Invariantism (SSI), and so does not demand a contextualist treatment. According to SSI, the varying standards that (...)
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    Stephen T. Asma and Rami Gabriel. The Emotional Mind: The Affective Roots of Culture and Cognition.Keith Oatley - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (2):93-96.
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  49. (1 other version)Can it be that it would have been even though it might not have been?Keith DeRose - 1999 - Philosophical Perspectives 13:385-413.
    The score was tied in the bottom of the ninth, I was on third base, and there was only one out when Bubba hit a towering fly ball to deep left-center. Although I’m no speed-demon, the ball was hammered so far that I easily could have scored the winning run if I had tagged up. But I didn’t. I got caught up in the excitement and stupidly played it half way, standing between third and home until I saw the center (...)
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  50. Conditional assertions and "biscuit" conditionals.Keith DeRose & Richard E. Grandy - 1999 - Noûs 33 (3):405-420.
    kind of joke to ask what is the case if the antecedent is false—“And where are the biscuits if I don’t want any?”, “And what’s on PBS if I’m not interested?”, “And who shot Kennedy if that’s not what I’m asking?”. With normal indicative conditionals like.
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